Work Smarter,

Live Better.


A process to organize your brain and inspire your mind.

You'll earn more money, doing what you truly love to do.

After 20+ years of working in both corporate and as an entrepreneur, I found the concept of strategic and operational consulting for women-owned businesses a worthy endeavor.

What I discovered; the type of service I was looking for was generally only available to larger businesses and corporations.


What about all us women entrepreneurs?


Women like you and me. We own successful companies and we're also the CEO of our families and households. 

At the end of the day, after all the clients (or patients), employees, and needs of the family are addressed, we then carve-out time to plan and grow our business.


Let me bottom-line this for you.

There is only so much of YOU to go around.

Conveniently, this is where I step into the picture. With my extensive strategy and operations experience and your entrepreneurial tenacity, we’ll create a powerful team to take your business to the next level.  

Let's Connect


  • Most women, especially business owners, have this massive, jumbled-up to-do list floating in their head, but lack a process for implementation.
  • Our first focus is to get your ideas and initiatives ~however random~ out of your head and into a working format that we can implement.
  • This is our "brain dump" phase and is an extremely important and ongoing process that will flow effortlessly for you over time.

Organize & Prioritize

  • Once we begin the download process, we will then move on to organizing and prioritizing initiatives.
  • This is an organic and collaborative process that will flow effortlessly from our executive strategy sessions.
  • It's here that we will get that jumbled-up to-do list into a workable format that will become a living process that will create momentum and propel you into massive action.


  • Once we download, organize and prioritize, actions will begin to feel not only effortless, but energizing.
  • You will find that removing that jumbled-up to-do list from your head and putting it into an organized format will cause you to experience energy that will catalyze not only your business, but your personal life and overall wellbeing.
  • Fortunately, this process will happen rather quickly.


  • Having a strategic partner is the catalyst for experiencing more clarity, energy and endurance in growing your business.
  • At this stage, my goal is to begin anticipating your needs, filling gaps so that ~together~ we can increase the synergy in your business.
  • We will also work to leverage your existing team to empower and energize them, so they can feel a sense of mission and personal commitment.

The moment you figure out what it is you are supposed to be doing, the sooner you are able to get about the business of doing that.

—Oprah Winfrey