Work Smarter,

Live Better.


Having a business partner who will share in your vision,

but won't expect a share of your business or its profits.

After 20+ years of working in both corporate and as an entrepreneur, I found the concept of strategic and operational consulting for women-owned businesses a worthy endeavor.

What I discovered; the type of service I was looking for was generally only available to larger businesses and corporations.


What about all us women entrepreneurs?


Women like you and me. We own successful companies and we're also the CEO of our families and households. 

At the end of the day, after all the clients (or patients), employees, and needs of the family are addressed, we then carve-out time to plan and grow our business.


Let me bottom-line this for you.

There is only so much of YOU to go around.

Conveniently, this is where I step into the picture. With my extensive strategy and operations experience and your entrepreneurial tenacity, we’ll create a powerful team to take your business to the next level.  

What is a

Fractional COO?

You'll have a strategic business partner who's dedicated to you. You'll organize your brain and align your business strategy, so you can make more money.

  • A Fractional Chief Operating Officer (COO) is a cost-effective way to access executive-level strategy, operations and leadership, when you've built a growing business but don't have or want to build the budget for a full-time Operation's Executive.
  • A Fractional COO is truly an extension of you, the business owner, who can be leveraged on a part-time basis to provide strategic, operational and leadership services for you and for your team.
  • Instead of incurring the expense of a full-time executive, you can invest in services part-time, in a very focused and flexible manner.

You're Ready for a

Fractional COO if:

  • Your business is growing and getting busier by the day, but it's not quite large enough to hire a full-time executive, so the operational and strategic decision-making falls upon you alone.
  • You spend most of your energy directly serving your clients or patients and your business strategy either gets put on hold or you're working late hours trying to figure out how to grow your business, while maintaining your current workload.
  • Big decisions are being made in those few "quiet moments" each week and you're using bandwidth you can't really spare just to think and act strategically.
  • You realize that on the surface your business is fairly straightforward, but from an operation's standpoint, there is a huge chunk of time and resources needed to expand and grow.
Let's Connect

The moment you figure out what it is you are supposed to be doing, the sooner you are able to get about the business of doing that.

—Oprah Winfrey