2025 Dates
We will be meeting virtually, via Zoom, for one hour at 3:00 PM ET on the following Wednesdays in 2025.
January 15th
February 12th
March 5th
April 9th
May 7th
June 11th
July 16th
August 13th
September 10th
October 8th
November 12th
December 10th
All Zoom calls will be recorded, in the event you are unable to attend live.
More details and Zoom address will be sent via email after sign-up.
©2022-25 Liz Proffitt. All rights reserved. Empowered by Proffitts
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our programs and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are to illustrate potential results, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone will acheive the same or similar results. Each individual's success depends on her/his background, dedication, desire and motivation.